Monday, April 21, 2008

CAUTION: LONG BLOG.Mummy Lindy blogging...

I am 26 turning 27 this year... :( only 3 and half years left to 30...Big THREE coming...
what have I achieved?

people achieve different objectives at different phases of our life... ...

we want to enjoy our childhood, have good friends and playmates...
we want to complete our studies, find a great job, excel and earn big bucks...
we want to pamper ourselves for all that we have worked hard for...
we want to go out and see the world and gain all the different experiences and cultures...
we want to experience life, find a soulmate who can walk the rest of our life together...
we want to settle down, have a wonderful, cosy home and start family plans...
we want to achieve financial independence and freedom way before retirement...
we want to live happily ever after just like in a fairy tale...
we want to share happiness with everyone else out there and the less fortunate...

sometimes we are fickle-minded, change our minds over some decisions we thought we made...

maybe we want a change?
maybe we want more time?
maybe we want a career switch?
maybe there's more than just earning money?
maybe we want to achieve something out there for personal satisfaction?
maybe there's more we should have done?
maybe we don't want that anymore?

maybe we are not who we are anymore... ...

why does life becomes more complicated as the days goes by?

As I look at Baby Asher, I am getting more convinced that I am really a greedy person... ...

Baby Asher is contented just as long as he...
gets his milk milk on time
gets his diapers changed when they are wet
gets our attention and play with him every now and then
gets his nap and sleep when they are due
and all he does to show his content is his lovingly cute smile that never fails to brighten my day.
and he shows his discontent with his fussy movements, cries and even shrieks at times.

that's just how simple babies are...and that reminded how complicated i am...

?? everything just never seem enough for me...
sometimes i wish i have all the time to do all i want without my loved ones aging...
sometimes i wish mummy isn't 60 this year and can stop aging...
sometimes i wish i can make mummy happier...
sometimes i wish mummy can have a great loving hubby ...
sometimes i wish golden and silver can live as old as i and don't have to leave me one fine day...
sometimes i wish i am really able to play all the dfferent roles in life successfully...

as a student...i still would like to pursue a masters degree...
as mummy's daughter...i want to spend more time with her and my family...
as an employee...for personal career i really want to know how far i can go...
as an entreprenuer...i really wish to see all my ideas become reality...
as a wife...i not only want to fall in love with my hubby, but also to remain in love always
as a lifetime partner...i want to give you all the support you will ever need...
as a home maker...i want to cook well, take care of the home and family well...
as a mummy...i want to give all my attention so that baby Asher will grow to be a happy baby...
as Golden & Silver's give them my love and care and more time for them...

as myself... ...

to be able to fulfill the above...
to make more money...
to visit all the places i wanna go...
to learn and master all the stuffs i ever wanted to...
to make time for all my beloved activities...
to make time to share with the troubled or the less fortunate...

24 hours a day, 365 days a year...really doesn't seem enough...
today i miss my having someone around...
i miss having him with me always...
i miss going to the movies with him...
i miss going high tea with him...
i miss travelling with him...
i miss going fishing with him...
i miss my hubby...

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