Monday, July 14, 2008

I can flip FULLY le!!

hehe...its been a while since i last updated my progress...

anyway, just before i turn 5 months old, i can now fully flip on my own without assistance le... :) sometimes i also attempt to kind of "crawl" but apparently instead of moving myself forward, i move backwards leh...

when it comes to feeding BM or drinking water via the bottle, I can fully hold the bottle on my own le...and when i am really hungry or thirsty, I even stretch out for the bottle and "snatch" to hold it and I will put it into my mouth hurriedly...
HUNGRY baby mah...what to do??!!
when milk milk doesnt come in time i will get VERY angry!!

just last Friday, i had my 2nd dose of pneumo vaccination jab and 2nd dose of rotavirus oral vaccination...done another $308.00 damage to mummy's pocket. hehe...
it was good..i was a brave boy and didnt cry at all during the jab...and I have also fully recovered from my cough and flu... :)

I weighed 8kg and measured 68CM. Dr. Tan says seems like am doing real good cos' i still put on weight despite i was sick...and that everything of me like my height and weight, my responses, my spine/back development all seem more like a 6 month old even though i am only 4.75 months old... Hmm...

mummy also told me that she met a baby girl who is 17 months old but weigh just 8kg and seemed smaller size than me wonder ppl say I am big baby...OH NO....
dunno if i will even be taller than daddy in future??

so...mummy recently introduced Snoopy to i am learning to recognise Snoopy, so that other than Mickey and Minnie, i will have 1 more "friend".. ;p

mummy had been trying to make it a habit and estabish the routine/practise of reading some chinese idioms story or singing nursery rhymes to me during my feeding time with her and then after i am done with milk milk, mummy will show me the "Rhyming Around the Alphabet" big book and read to me and i think i really enjoyed it...cos everytime just before mummy begin, she will show me the big book cover and i will really smile very happily...then after we are done with the BIG BOOK, mummy will play some toys with me like getting me to touch and feel them, holding them and exchanging other piece with me...

when it's night time, around 10plus pm, mummy will also give me a warm wipe to clean me and powder me just before bedtime...while she tries to put me to bed, mummy will also try to read me my bedtime short story and then end my night with soft calming music...

Oh no....its late....I need to go zZz....
to be continued!!
good nite!!

"My Grandma says Goodnite, Sleep tight. don't let the bed bugs bite!!"

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