Tuesday, June 24, 2008

My favorite tummy time playmat

When I am back at own home, mummy and daddy's home lah...(confusing hor)
I am like air steward leh...check in two different places every now and then... ... ;p

anyway....yah...when i am back at my own home, i get to play on my favourite tummy time playmat...i have one at gong gong and po po place too...but not as nice as this one... ...

are u looking at me??

don't look at me lah...
and this few days is the first time i "fall sick"...
got a little cough and runny nose...
thinnk came from gong gong...hehehe...that day cousin Tiffany BD gong gong was down with a little flu...then for 2 days he didnt dare/want to carry me...he worried pass on to me...so could only stand afar and watch me...talk to me...poor gong gong...
so mummy didnt bring me see doctor tan leh...she wants me to recover on my own...
hopefully this can help build my immune system stronger than rely on medicine...since i am not running fever...

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