Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Day out with mummy & Wai Po

Mummy brought us out to eat and shop for some groceries...
We were in the car and mummy decided to start a photo taking session again...

mummy and us behind...
mummy...don't you think you should concentrate on driving??
safety first leh...

i didnt disturb Mummy & WaiPo while they have their food...

that's me ... fell asleep on mummy's shoulder while in the supermarket...

restless in the car...

what's up there??

finally moving off...

Then on sunday we went Compasspoint for lunch...

mummy first went over to KFC outlet as she wants to talk to the manager ... ...

the night before, she bought KFC home for dinner with WaiPo and only to discover her favourite cheese fries missing when she reached home...it's bad when such things happen and you simply crave for it and super hungry...

she called and was treated rudely over the phone by the manager who picked up the phone...he did not even bother to apologise for missing out the chesse fries and the next morning, the cheese fries was supposed to be delivered up to us(as promised) but also didnt come...

And so mummy went to have a talk with the manager...another manager...who apologised for the incident, but surprsingly, didnt take any initiative to refund the $$ paid for the missing chesse fries, nor bring us anything complimentary....

it was only after mummy ask for a refund then he said we can have anything on the house... but we didnt want lah...had he offered earlier, mummy might have taken up the offer...so she insisted on a refund and you know what???

he blurr blurr leh...wanted to refund mummy $15++ for all she paid the night before...but we steady one...only take the refund for the cheese fries...

so i had my milk milk in KFC while mummy battle on.... HAHAHA, never make my mummy and angry, upset customer... see though its only $3++ cheese fries...she also cant take shit service..hahaha

Then we went walk walk...cos Soup Restaurant not open yet...must wait till 530pm...hmm...we suppose to take late lunch, become dinner le...hehe

in the shop where mummy buying things...
i was sitting on the counter top as mummy make payment...

laying in my pram as mummy and waipo take dinner..

waitress auntie want to carry me...

then auntie waitress auntie also want to carry me...

going off loh...

see...not only hungry baby is angry baby,

hungry mummy also angry mummy... ...

My favorite tummy time playmat

When I am back at own home, mummy and daddy's home lah...(confusing hor)
I am like air steward leh...check in two different places every now and then... ... ;p

anyway....yah...when i am back at my own home, i get to play on my favourite tummy time playmat...i have one at gong gong and po po place too...but not as nice as this one... ...

are u looking at me??

don't look at me lah...
and this few days is the first time i "fall sick"...
got a little cough and runny nose...
thinnk came from gong gong...hehehe...that day cousin Tiffany BD gong gong was down with a little flu...then for 2 days he didnt dare/want to carry me...he worried pass on to me...so could only stand afar and watch me...talk to me...poor gong gong...
so mummy didnt bring me see doctor tan leh...she wants me to recover on my own...
hopefully this can help build my immune system stronger than rely on medicine...since i am not running fever...

I went back home for a 4D3N stay...

As gong gong and po po went to Kelong, I went back home for a 4D3N stay from 19th Jun Thur to 22nd Jun Sun...then Wai Pocame over to stay with me so that she can help take care of me as Mummy went to work...

Thursday night ... i was a terror.... becos' I had not seen Wai Po for a while and now that I am starting to recognise familiar people, I cried and shrieked whenever Wai Po carried me... ...
I probably wasn't sure tha t was you, Wai Po...you must be sad that Baby Asher couldn't recognise you...I am sorry...I didn't mean to forget you... ...just that we haven't seen each other since bangkok trip...and I was scared plus I was also grouchy for sleep le...

Friday morning, mummy had to go for training...and it rained very heavily...I was still sleeping when mummy had to leave...though in my sleep, i could feel her reluctance to leave, to leave me with Wai Po, as mummy is worried that I may wake up and be frightened as I do not see mummy around...since I was such a terror last night...

Luckily, I slept quite a lot on Friday as mummy attended her training...when she came back home, she saw happy Baby Asher again...

Anyway, check this out...my Ah-Pek outfit...daddy's favourite... ...

make me look so ah-pek... :(
it's so good to be able to recognise people now...from afar, when i see mummy, i will always give her my brightest smile!!
mummy, i love you & daddy!!!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

14th Jun 2008 Sat - On Cousin Tiffany's 1st Year Birthday Celebration!!

Many people came to celebrate my cousin, Tiffany's 1st year birthday... ...
Happy birthday COUSIN!!!

Aunt Delphine & Uncle Deyuan with Tiffany, say cheese!

Me...in the arms of PoPo, looking around with curiosity...

still looking around...

now...looking at balloons...

daddy taking a photo for mummy and I

mummy wanted to kiss kiss me...but i shy lah...too many people ard

Then daddy decided to play balloon with me...my FIRST experience with BALLOON!!

HANDS ON!!! (mummy was afraid that it'd burst and frighten me...)

Overall, i really enjoyed my first balloon experience... ... good try daddy!!

Resting in the cot le...just woke up...

On the left the cow stacking toy is my latest toy...
then the 2 gloves are my latest bathing toys/washcloths...
then the big "ABC" book is for mummy to read to me daily...
the blue jumper on the right...i still cant wear...mummy kiasu, buy 6-9 months...

see all my new reading stuffs....got rhymes, got "ABC, got storybook for bedtime...
all for me as i turn 4 months old!!!

except the book on the top right hand corner, thats for mummy to read and learn more about my brain development and make flashcards for my learning...thats too CHIM and too THICk a book for me to enjoy...i will just wait and look forward to my flashcards...

Mummy says she hope she can lay a good foundation for me so that in future, i can play more instead of having to go to tuition classes for my academics...most importantly, mummy hope she can make learning fun fun for me. Like this i can grow to be happy baby!!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

see me hold my bottle...

Hey hey,

these are photos taken on 29th May which I had not post back then as was rushing off for my Bangkok trip... ...

see...I can hold my own bottle at 3.5months old back then... ;p
by chance one lah...

in my cot...

hey you...looking at me?

i am already able to focus and follow my sight on the moving musical mobile...

see...am looking at the musical mobile...

I am a clever boy!!! HAHAHA

i am going to be 4 months old tomorrow!!

I am going to turn 4 months old tomorrow!!! And coincidentally, tomorrow is also Father's Day...Daddy Alvin's first Father's Day!!! ;P

COMPLAIN: Last month Mummy Lindy's first Mother's Day...Daddy Alvin never do anything for mummy woh... :(

Anyway some of my loyal readers have complained that recent updates to my blog not regular like before...I AM SO SORRY....hehe...

on the 5th of June, I went out with Auntie Tricia...we went to the Motherhood Fair at Expo...
I have been contemplating whether to upload this photo....

this shot...I look so FAT and UGLY right?
This was taken after I went to Baby Matthew's Baby Shower at Holiday Inn Atrium on
7th June...see I have always enjoyed my car ride in my car seat...nice and cosy...
nowadays, I am almost able to sit on my own le...just give me alittle bit more time and soon I should be able to sit without mummy's support... ...

See me up....

oOo...I am falling le mummy!!! help me!!! =p

Mummy always try to ensure I grow to be a happy baby... ... :)

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Baby Asher has grown...

Recently, he seemed to be able to recognise his surrroundings and people around him more...

he fuss when he needs to settle down in what seems to be an unfamiliar environment when mummy ain't around with him...

he fuss when mummy returns to sight, yet not carrying him...

becos' a lot more things are now clearer to him, he is able to see a further distance, he is also smiling alot alot alot more, even when we are a distance apart, calling out his name...

he wants to be in an upright position, whether standing or sitting up, so that he can look around and explore the world infront of him with curiosity...

he is getting better at grasping things, hugging his bolster or caterpillar toy and ends up half flipped on one side most of the times...

other than sucking hard on his hands, he has been "yee, yee, ah ah" - ing alot to himself and gets a little grouchy when no one responds to him....

he also wants to play alot more, and gets angry when ignored...often refusing to got o sleep despite the fact that he is tired...

he is becoming more and more fun to be with, but also more and more energy exhausting to be with...

what a baby at 3.5months old... ...

Thursday, June 5, 2008

new changes observed

During today's bath time, Baby Asher managed to catch his left feet with his left hand for the first time!!

Recently he also started "ah ah ah" many times consecutively, just like singing song...but no nice rythm lah...

so farnie...

Mummy's experience with Asher's first overseas trip at 3.5months old

many expressed shocked, surprise and even discouragement when they first heard BB Asher is going to Bangkok with me at 3.5 months old... ...

of course I can understand the goodwill behind such responses, but what to do, entire family going except Daddy Alvin cos' of his work...so he won't be able to take care of BB Asher too...so obviously BB Asher had to come along.

I must admit at times, it was definitely challenging...but that was very minimal. And before the trip, BB Asher had already paid a visit to his PD to ensure he is in the pink of health to travel...and PD also said no worries, just go. So that was encouraging... ...

And of course, with the others in the family around helping, it wasn't too tough to have BB Asher around. But Mummy Lindy had to forego some shopping time, especially in Chatuchak where its so crowded, hot, bright and sunny.

but it was a good learning experience to prepare myself for an even longer, further trip away with BB Asher the next time...

i learnt that its good to let BB suck on to something during take off and landing, so that they can expel the air in the ears due to the air pressure.

it was necessary to prepare sufficient diapers, baby wipes, his nappy cream, his bathing stuffs, some toys, some medication, thermometer to take his temperature, fever cooling pads and his clothing...

of course with the baby around, lesser time for myself as i got to prepare him too..like bathe him, change diapers etc..this bangkok trip alone had some interesting diaper changing location...
Bb Asher had his diapers changed in the midst of some part of Chatuchak, in a shop of MBK shopping mall, in the airplane tiny toilet, in the corner of a lift lobby etc...

and also got to pay attention to his comfort...i got to wipe him often and put more powder for him so that he doesnt feel so uncomfortable being all too sticky and sweaty...

my conclusion is that as long as baby is in good enough health to take the traveling of the trip, and his stuffs are well prepared, its actually not that tough, nor impossible to bring baby along and yet still enjoy the trip.

As long as we understand that,
You win some, you lose some ...
and can juggle well...its a good experience.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I am back in Singapore!!

I am finally back from my Bangkok family trip...

I am happily tired....let's share the pictures!!!

sleeping away as we check in for the flight to bangkok at the airport...

my cousins, Jared and Ines & I

going to Chatuchak....

Ines and her mummy...

wow...looks yummy...

they were all famished...

yummy dinner mummy had...

charcoal grill japanese food...
where we had breakfast in the hotel...
playingoutsde the hotel while gathering everyone...

waiting for the skytrain...

waiting for the express boat...

everyone say cheese!!

popo fan fan me as i mum mum...

In Grand Palace, taking a rest..

the white cloth (cooler than covering up with the sarong cloth) is to give me shade from the sunlight, while i hide in the sarong sling, feeding...;p

nice pic right?
i meant the walls behind...

enjoying my hand...

i am scared of the guard...

uncle vid & his 250baht umbrella...kena "chopped"...

ppl offer mummy 150 baht, then 100baht, then 80 baht, then "how much, mdm?"
mummy also didnt want to buy...but after that Uncle Vid ran up and said he bought the umbrella for 250baht...we all laughed big time...hahaha

sleeping in the pram...

see me fussing loh....i want to sleep!!!

where am i??

Wiping my saliva...

I am happy with Mummy carrying me!!

I was distracted by a boat lah...

See the temple behind? That's Wat Arun...

Checking out my surroundings while on board the boat, cruising along Chao Phraya River..

We then went to Siam Paragon for lunch and visited the SIam Ocean World...but pictures all with Uncle Felix...so will upload when he sends us loh....

See! I am exploring myself in the mirror...in the toilet of Siam Paragon...

The hotel room series....its a very nice & cosy hotel...conveniently situated too...

diaper changing...


Thats us outside the hotel...looking in where Mummy is having breakfast...

See what we found in the toilet....

Gong gong carrying me while Mummy shops in MBK..

Auntie Tricia bought me this top, I wonder how is she & "mickey"??

Take 1: I turned away...

Take 2: I am looking....and Kor kor Jared smiled SooOo nicely

Uncle Felix, Auntie Angie & I and Cousin Jared Kor Kor

Mummy, Wai po & I, Auntie Angie, who bought me this red suit that I am wearing
Wai po & I

see our dimples??!!

i am going home to see daddy loh...

i got to put on infant seat belt leh..

Mummy with me strapped onto her

During the take off, i was a terror...i cried , i shrieked...mummy says whole airplane people also know me le lah.... its not becos of the air pressure in my ears, as mummy did try to let me suck something...bottle, BF, pacifier, my hand....but i just didnt want them all...i was just struggling and struggling...mummy knows i want to sleep...but its tough to pat pat me to sleep since i didnt want to suck on and we couldnt move much becos we got to stay belted up...

it was only after the take off when mummy removed the seat belts and moved to Auntie Angie's place there then I managed to play and fall asleep...all the way till... ...

backed in SG at 2340hrs...i was still sleeping away.