Friday, January 30, 2009

watch out for my many posts to come later today!!

I am sorry that I havent been updating my blog recently.
Mummy & I has been rather busy...
but we still had quite alot of activities...

there is so many posts we have not published for December'08 and some upcoming new posts for January!! So if you do check out the blog, do check back on the december ones as there will be 3 or 4 more posts to be published in december 2008...hehhe
hope we will have time to do it by later today!! Get it updated till before 31st Jan when I will be celebrating my Lunar BD!

Oh Yah!! HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!! This was taken on Day 2 of CNY!!
Check back for more!!

That's me walking le!!!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

mummy's voice: Asher has become a more baby mode

Since 17th Dec 2008-after Asher turned 10months old, he has been taking one feed of formula milk daily. Initally, i felt kind of upset...why he doesnt seemed to find any difference between BM and formula? He drank just like normal. However, after the initial 3 days, he started rejecting formula. He pushed the bottle away and shrieked!!! OMG! Why is it so? When I have kind of accepted the fact that he has to start anyway and does appreciate the additional convenience feeding him formula milk gives, eventhough it is only 1 feed a day still. Eversince he started to reject the formula, i had to give him some BM first then let him have his formula, which he will still try to reject but will still drink eventually after multiple tries. Well, at least i do get a consolation...he still prefers BM... :D so all my hard work so far is still worthwhile.

Anyway, last night we had a gathering with Joey & family, Amber & partner and Irene & Baby Keira. Went to Holiday Inn Orchard for a dinner buffet. Food spread was no good..but most importantly, company of my 3 childhood girlfriends was excellent! Baby Asher was a cranky baby last night...majorly because he did not have sufficient sleep i suppose, and also because he wants to come down to the floor to walk, to crawl around on his own so much at this stage!!! And when i finally got him to sleep, he only napped for that short 20mins?? OMG! my monster is waking up again...but anyway we were heading home too.

When we got to the carpark to pick up the car, as usual...Asher will have to be put into his own carseat, which he has always enjoyed sitting in. Then Mummy will keep the stroller back into the car and off we head for home!!!


Baby Asher turned cranky again!!! He just refused to get into his carseat, stretched full straight and kept shrieking!!! OH my, what happened??? I seriously have no idea. This is the first time in all my 10.5 months of taking care of Asher has reached another milestone of his first year of life. At this stage when he is learning to walk, an active, super active baby like him, wants to be in upright, walking position always. Be it bathtime, mealtime, playtime, sleep time....anytime, everytime. So after multiple tries, it was still in vain. he still doesnt want to get into the car seat. Couldnt strap him up, meant i couldnt drive him home safely. So i waited. He was just happy playing on the floor, playing the wheels of his stroller. And there i was, watching...scratching my head..what to do?
I put him in between my legs, behind the steering wheel, in my driver's position....and he was happy. Happily playing with the steering wheel ...after just 3 mins or so, from B3, I drove up to B2...with him seated right there....yes in between my legs...and parked again at B2...hoping he will be ok to get into the car seat by now...BUT NO!!!!!!!!!!! ARGH!!! He still doesnt want!!! That's when I really wished, if only I am not always alone and Hubby Alvin was right beside with me...I prbly wont be in this situation.

So what's the solution?? Hahaah...refusing to take his formula milk, I had to coax him with I sat at the back of the car, and fed him right in there...of course i had us covered lah!! And that is why BM is amazing...after that, he finally was willing to get into his car seat.
And i quickly strap him up and drove home...but just after a while, he kept crying non-stop and it is the first time he behave like that!!!!! Whenever he cried in his car seat, once the car starts moving, he stop crying. But this time, he cried all the way, even with the car moving...and the more you want the journey to be smooth, the more red lights i met. :(

After we got home, obviously I had to show him I was angry. And even more obviously, grandma wanted to hush hush him...gave him toys when I didnt want to give him. How can I reward him with his toys when he had been naughtily throwing them around earlier on, unreasonably throwing tantrums and shrieking, crying non-stop!!! But well, grandparents are grandparents, always doting on the grand-kids. And mummy are always mummy...the discipline master becos daddy will just not be bothered. And baby will always be baby...always so unpredictable especially at this stage. So from the last night experience, Asher has really grown. He understood my being upset and frowned and cried when I shoed him my angry expression. (which I intentionally showed him,one to see his reaction, two, to make him understand) And here we both venture into a new stage of his life...away from a baby, into a toddler stage!! the even more challenging stage.

And for the past 2 days, I finally had the opportunity to wheel Asher around in his new P & T was great!!! There was enough space for him to sleep so comfortably in, laid down fully flat just like a small bed...Easy to move, great for terrains and uneven grounds and small turning radius!! just that it was of course somewhat heavier, bulkier than usual strollers. But i just adore it!!! Especially when I was wheeling Baby Tiffany and Baby Asher both in it, in the doubles mode! It was so so so good!!!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!!! It's 2009!!

My new year resolution:

learn more!!!

mummy....where's my flashcards you promised to make????
