Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I was at Auntie Grace's Wedding at Shangrila!!

15th Nov 2008 @ Shangrila Hotel!

Auntie Grace, mummy's long time friend since secondary 3.

Auntie Grace, Me and Mummy
mummy says, as you grow older, you have lesser friends. lesser true friends.
it is only the days when you were schooling, you have more friends.
true friends are hard to come by, hard to find.
but when you have it, it takes effort and other factors, like timing and pace of life to live it up and not let it drift apart.
we learn as we grow. Things end up differently, when handled in a different manner.
and we learn how to handle it differently as we grow..hopefully.
sometimes, you realise, no point being so ZHI ZHUO...over certain things...cos' that will never change.
Enough of the friendship thing... lets see the photographs!
We tried taking a nice shot, just me and mummy...
finally the nicest shot we both like, after several attempts...

this is uncle joe, mummy's poly classmate..

mummy's long time sec school buddies...
uncle Kerby, me & mummy, and uncle guowei...

Us again!!
See my nice smile! Except photo is alittle blurred.

finally sleeping...

the mess i made...from eating my biscuits
Thanks for always bringing me around, mummy!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

mummy so busy recently....

Despite all the weddings she has to attend, the number of times she has got to help out for the friend's big day, taking up time etc...

Despite working, trying to follow up and close more sales....(though not much sales anyway) and doing stuffs for daddy and her personal stuffs, for the household etc...

mummy still spends time with me...

she reads my ABCs with me....hmmm but havent been reading storybook to me....MUMMY YOU FORGOT!!! well...

she plays with me...
she dances with me in her arms while playing the classical music CDs for me....
she watches baby bright with me and tell me what is going on...
she plays chinese and english nursery rhymes for me...
bathing and feeding as usual though sometimes, POPO does it for me...

See what i have been doing daily recently...

playing with my toys...

while listening to classical music or nursery rhymes...

still figuring out what to do with this...
checking out mummy...
playing with my nursery rhymes cd cover...
checking out the scenery outside....

still seeing...???
nope....i chewed the wall off...
thats me....revealing alittle cleavage...
sometimes i play with the bowling pins...

and look at the scenery...

and makes funny faces with sounds...

i am pleased...

introducing my hat....
its a basket actually...
mummy...where's my flashcards huh???

Monday, November 10, 2008

mummy's aunts came over from malaysia yesterday!!

Today mummy planned to bring me go out gai gai with my relatives from malaysia, together with WaiPo and family....

BUT i was sleeping away for quite sometime....
we only managed to join them around 3plus pm....


i seemed fairer these days...
All ready to go after i wake up from my nap, wash up and changed into my jumper!!
Finally can wear le....
it's been a while since i go gai gai with mummy....
on the way to IMM...
I am soOOoo happy... go gai gai loh!!!
Kor Kor Jared pushing me around in the pram...
keeping myself entertained...
my gums are itching from my new teeth growing...
3 more on the way from the top row...

what's that sign kor kor jared??

my new stuffs!!!
2 set of clothes, 2 new baby bright VCDs, a soccer ball

Thank you mummy!!
Oops! and daddy...though you are not here...

daddy joined us...them for dinner...
cos i was sent home to be with PoPo...

my malaysia relatives, PoPo and Mummy!!
just outside our Qtown home..
Aunties, see you all next time soon!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My Baby Asher...happy and blessed baby!!

he is my boy... my wonderful boy...

.breastfed from day 1..till now and hopefully can still go strong...

.hardly cries when having to take jabs for vaccination...

.had a bad first cough that refuse to go away for one whole week or more just before we went bangkok when he was 3.5months old...all thanks to daddy and mummy as well lah...

.had his bottom first pair of teeth at 5 months plus

.and standing well with support now, sometimes letting go of his hands on the support for couple of seconds...

.had his first taste at cereals and porridge when he is just 10days away from 6 months

.started his first steps to crawl just before he turned 6 month old

.and at 7 months, begins to know how to engage in "mirror-play", kissing himself in his mirror image, not only just laugh and smile at the mirror like previous months...

.oh! and starts to sit well totally without support around 8 months old...he is now so good at it that he can even flip here and there while in the midst of his sleep and suddenly just wake up sitting upright, which can be scary sometimes...

.the 3rd tooth on top coming out at 7months plus
and recently i spotted the 4th tooth on top coming out together too...
no wonder baby asher, you are so grouchy at times these days...

.had his first viral fever that span over a week plus and left only with a super rashes outbreak when he was 7 month plus too...just when mummy had to work during the Motorshow this year... really was a challenge...

.recently, started taking bits of table food from us and he is great! simply a versatile baby i love

.somehow he seems very interested in gadgets...handphone, remote controls...which i refuse to give to you, baby...i dont want you to make it a habit :P

.becoming "kaypoh" too...simply wants his hands on everything and anything that comes into sight and if it seemed any bit more interesting, straight goes into his mouth...well i guess baby, you are just curiously exploring the whole new world right infront of you huh?

.good thing is he is uttering more and more tones and repetive ones too...i really yearn for you to call MaMa or Mummy...even PaPa or Daddy will be as i just love interacting with you! High Five!!!--seemed to know o... :)

.slept through the night when he was tiny...but recent months, he cant seem to do so without waking up at 3AM plus thereabout. i used to think you nursed for comfort...but now seems nurse for hunger...or it it becos of your teething??? or a growth spurt???

.bathing for you is always such a great time i enjoy...always splashing the water with your little palms and smiling, laughing away...

.i hate to make you cry, baby...but sometimes i just love the way you frown and grumble cry for mummy when i return home and walk past, without picking yo up... you got to know i have things to do, immediate task to attend to right when i come home is to be your milk factory, to express milk and wash bottles....but i got to admit....sometimes it is intentional!! :P mummy enjoys seeing you yearning for me, for my hug, for me to to carry you.. :)

.sometimes, he breaks into loud laughter all of a sudden for no apparent reason. ask him why, he laughs further and funny! you are just so cute, baby!

my boy...he is...such a cheerful baby...i hope it remains that way always.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Happy Birthday MUMMY!!!!

Date: 3rd Nov 2008
Occasion: Mummy Lindy's Birthday
Venue: Raffles Hotel, Bar & Billard Room
Daddy's Present for mummy: NONE!
Daddy's cake for mummy: NONE!

daddy needed a long overdue haircut first....
we wait for him...

as usual mummy likes to take pics...

yeah!!! Daddy done le...
While on the way to Raffles Hotel for our dinner, I fell asleep in the car...when we reached, I had to be in the arms of daddy or mummy as they didnt bring my pram aong...hence it seemed quite incovenient for them...couldnt enjoy the dinner thoroughly...
the surprise was one of the "kor kor" staff there, looks like a manager or "Say Hoe", actually took his initiative to bring TWO couch sofas arm chair kind of, to combine into a "bed" for baby Asher me!!!! Mummy was very very very impressed!!!! And appreciate lots!!
See! me in the "couch-bed"
Mummy!!! Happy Birthday!!!
Daddy & Baby Asher Love YOU!!!

Finally I woke up to have some food in the high chair

i put everything i get into my mouth...

waiting to be served food!

that's the cover of my milk bottle

daddy no intiative one....MUMMY's birthday...
he also never initiate to take family picture
daddy...when will you ever learn???!!!

mummy self-take while daddy go get food..

I was naughty...kept throwing all my stuff around...hehe

but mummy said it's fine!

yummy salmon...oysters...big big many

i ate potato....

this is the place...

nice right...
Anyway, we didnt have a long night, cause daddy had calls for work...we ended up following him to 1 place, then we went home, while he proceeded to the next place... :(
waiting for daddy in the car...
Daddy, if you ever read this... ... Mummy is really not difficult to please. Just want to see your efforts and sincerity...knowing this year has been extremely busy and tiring for you, mummy didnt even needed you to plan anything for her birthday. She made the reservations at the place, decided where to eat, save you from planning and are so blessed! haha