Tuesday, April 27, 2010

We are shifting!

Officially we will be moving in on 1st May 2010, as that's the last day to shift out of Q'town.
We got the keys to our new place on 16th Mar 2010.

I finally got a chance to come to the new house.
Although it is rented, it is almost everything Mummy loved to give to the family.
Nice, serene environment.
Good enough space to set up play area, learning area for us, the children.
Sufficient space for Mummy to set up Daddy & her work desk .
Mummy is looking forward to get us a playhouse, teeter totter, kitchen pretend play, set up sand and water play station for us and also my drawing & scribbling area!!
It is a place Golden & Silver can finally have lots of space to run about.

Moving to this new place would mean I will see lesser of Grandpa & Grandma... :(
but that would probably Mummy will not be so stressed out when it comes to disciplining Asher me. Sigh...

Mummy can never be a FULL TIME stay home mum.
Put $ aside, it is also because personal achievement in terms of work and career is also very important to her. When we shift to the new place, I will most probably continue to attend Bibinogs...until I get to attend YCK Kinderland which is full at the moment. When I am sent to school, the housemaid will then help to care for Ayden... ...which at this point of time is something Mummy is very very worried of.

Mummy has in the meantime placed me on the wait-list at YCK Kinderland... ...
though she is still very reluctant to put me into full day childcare, as she prefers to send me to 3 hours preschool...but 3 hours seem kind of short...
But that is the best solution so that Mummy can have time with Little Ayden too.

Asher can play the harmonica and brushes his teeth well!

1 try was all it took!
Mummy showed me how to blow just once and I took the harmonica and started blowing...and there the musical sound came... ...
and mummy was rather impressed that it sounded quite pleasing.. ..just like a nice rythm...

I am learning well to brushing my teeth on my own too...

Thursday, April 22, 2010

2 years 2 months old and house shifting soon..

During this period of time, everybody in the house is busy with house moving... ...
Soon I will be shifting to our new place, just Daddy, Mummy, Little Ayden & I with a housemaid, Golden & Silver. How would life be like without Gong Gong and Po Po?

visit to my new place...
just staying around while mummy do some packing...

I have been going to my dropped-off class at Bibignogs, my playschool and coping well since day 1 and I never cry for mummy. Mummy accompanied me for a pro-rated term of Power Tots (a parent-accompanied class) which was about a month and then sent me to the dropped off class, Mighty Tots. I am a big boy now, on my own in the class with my classmates and teachers from 9am to 12pm. Sometimes I attend twice a week and mummy is considering to put me in for 3 times a week the next term. I love the teachers here, they are all nice and loving to us, little children. At 2 years 2 months old, I am one of the youngest in the Might Tots class.

my first Mighty Tots dropped off class

my first Mighty Tots dropped off class

Mummy say I looked every bit the big boy....

making grapes

making grapes


Like all kids, I love Kiddy rides. There is a train, a boat and a "musical chair" outside my school and sometimes I get to take 1 or 2 rides. I like the train one as I pretend to drive the train with the steering wheel. I like the boat one as it rocks up and down like a teeter totter...erm see saw..u know? I also like the "musical chair" one as it goes round and round ...360degrees turn. I am excited by it...u should see my smile.

Kiddy ride boat...

Kiddy Ride Train...

Kiddy ride Musical Chair...

Mummy lets me slot the coin in on my own...

Mummy wants me to understand that their is this thing call MONEY and we need to use it to "exchange" for goods or services and that everything has a value to it... so often Mummy lets me slot the coin in for the kiddy rides or when we get the trolley from the supermarket and even when we buy stuffs... and I love it! :)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Asher can pull his own pants!

I am beginning to be interested in dressing up myself...
helping to pull my pants up....sometimes I don't even want to let mummy pull my pants down...
I will pull it up when mummy pulls it down...and we both repeat it over and over again while i get like "upset" and tells mummy..."no, no" ...mummy just likes to tease me.

I can sort of find the armholes of my top and put my arms through on my own and pull down my top properly... ...

sometimes mummy says it is really adorable to see me pull my pants up as I walk... ...