Tuesday, April 27, 2010

We are shifting!

Officially we will be moving in on 1st May 2010, as that's the last day to shift out of Q'town.
We got the keys to our new place on 16th Mar 2010.

I finally got a chance to come to the new house.
Although it is rented, it is almost everything Mummy loved to give to the family.
Nice, serene environment.
Good enough space to set up play area, learning area for us, the children.
Sufficient space for Mummy to set up Daddy & her work desk .
Mummy is looking forward to get us a playhouse, teeter totter, kitchen pretend play, set up sand and water play station for us and also my drawing & scribbling area!!
It is a place Golden & Silver can finally have lots of space to run about.

Moving to this new place would mean I will see lesser of Grandpa & Grandma... :(
but that would probably Mummy will not be so stressed out when it comes to disciplining Asher me. Sigh...

Mummy can never be a FULL TIME stay home mum.
Put $ aside, it is also because personal achievement in terms of work and career is also very important to her. When we shift to the new place, I will most probably continue to attend Bibinogs...until I get to attend YCK Kinderland which is full at the moment. When I am sent to school, the housemaid will then help to care for Ayden... ...which at this point of time is something Mummy is very very worried of.

Mummy has in the meantime placed me on the wait-list at YCK Kinderland... ...
though she is still very reluctant to put me into full day childcare, as she prefers to send me to 3 hours preschool...but 3 hours seem kind of short...
But that is the best solution so that Mummy can have time with Little Ayden too.

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