Thursday, August 28, 2008

bm again and again and again

after 830pm express session last night, bf you at 1030pm which you last had your solids at 7pm...

then tried to express at 1am this wee morning but only gotten a miserable 30mls.... :(
mummy went to ZzZZz hoping that the good abundant supply will be revived successfully after all the regular expressing ...

then bf you twice at 640am and 930am this morning... ...
then you are up for your morning exercise and play. :)

see you later asher... :)
mummy's back at 420pm and express session this time gained a 200mls. But it was a long almost 7 hours lapse. couldnt make it back at the initial planned 130pm... :(

i will try again later at 6pm. Hopefully good. :)

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