Wednesday, December 17, 2008

i am already 10 months old!

becos i crawl around more, i try to walk with support on my own...sometimes free my hands to try with no support...sometimes i am curious...(KAY POH lah mummy says...)....becos of all these....
I FALL, FELL, FALLEN more..more..more!!
of cos, i cried, shrieked and frowned. BUT once mummy hush hush...immediately i am fine.
mummy will always say...

"hush hush, it's fell down on your need to cry. it is ok. you are a brave boy..."

hmm...yeah...what to do? I really fell on my own mah...

the night before i turned ten months old, mummy finally bought me my FIRST TIN of FORMULA milk powder..SIMILAC for 6 months and above.

after much contemplation, soon mummy may start giving me formula milk once a day for my night feed before bed, hoping that this can help lasts longer so that I dont always have to cry hungrily for milk in the middle of the night or wee morning like 4, 5AM.

since that night, it's already been 4 days and mummy still didnt let me try the formula. is that first step...mummy.... :P

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