Sunday, August 23, 2009

1 blog. 2 blogs. 3 blogs? or?

With my little brother coming...

Mummy wonders if she should start another blog for him or combine our blogs?

But when BB3 comes along next time, then it will be 3 blogs for mummy to maintain until we are old enough to be able to do so on our own...

So if to combine, then it will be just 1 blog for all of us in future...
like that then my existing blog how?
Can edit the blog name? to change to not just babyasherz-i.blogspot?

but there again, it defeats mummy's orginal intention le...
to have a blog of our own from our beginning of life till we learn to maintain it on our the same time we learn to pen our thoughts down for mummy to read in future...
by then probably 6 years old at least

probabyly Mummy will just do a blog for each of fulfill her intention...
but she is very worried how long she can really do it for...

see the number of blogs I do these days, you will know..
well perhaps it will be down to just weekly blog updates.
we try...

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