Monday, May 24, 2010

i ran to the potty to pee on my own!

So far, I generally go to the potty to pee only upon Mummy's reminder... ...

But today, I ran to the potty to pee on my own initiative!! I am beginning to recognise the urge and can learn to control my urge to pee....

Mummy saw me run run run to the potty direction and ran after me...she wanted to catch me in action when I rush there to pee... those times, I am not wearing any bottom at all... ;p *shy shy*

Imagine me in my singlet, no bottoms, but wearing my boots and run run run to my's an amusing sight Mummy wants to remember for as long as she she can make fun of me when I am older.... :D

Friday, May 21, 2010

I poo in the potty on my own and went on to call mummy!!

Progressing into my 28th month, Mummy has been consistently trying o get me to pee & poo in the I am literally diaper free during the day and only wear diapers when I go to bed. Back in Qtown, she wasn't really able to enforce this habit for me.

And I am also much more ready for it of recent... Mummy finds it very amusing that whenever I want to poo, I will hide at a place or ask the adults to go away.... all toddlers behave like the way I do?

On 21st May 2010, I poo in the potty on my own initiative and when I am done, I even called mummy to come and take a look! That pleased her and surprised her so much. She was so happy! :) Efforts to teach me really paid off!

Once, I even carried the potty to show mummy I poo-ed in the potty... hahaha....mummy was shocked & happy but worried I will topple the potty...

Another time, I refused to sit in the potty to poo and while standing.... my poo dropped off onto the floor when Iwalked 2 steps away from the potty...that was a funny sight too...hheheheh Mummy went...yeee yeee...


Mummy come take a look! I poo-ed!

PoO Poo & Pee Pee
Mummy is happy to save some diaper $!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

27 months old today!

We haven't been updating the blogs...
I am now 27th month old = 2 years 5 months old.

Our 1st maid, employed on 30th April to come to our new place with us hasn't been "impressive" and leaves mummy very worried most of the times. For the time being, Waipo has been staying with us for 2 weeks to help care for us while Mummy is out...but this is not a long term solution.

Mummy is still not convinced to leave Baby Ayden in the hands of this helper..Auntie Cora....perhaps she needs more time....afterall it's just 2 weeks+... At 27 months old, I still need my pacifier to go to bed...mummy is trying to help me kick this habit. Although she doesn't like it that the pacifier is the first thing I always ask for whenever I am crying sadly...i go "tu tu...tu tu...i want tu tu..", still she can't deny that it is very amusing and cute to see that.. ;p
