Monday, January 10, 2011

Northpoint Playground!

We went Northpoint playground yesterday!!
Had super great fun! We will be back again!

We had lunch at Swensens...

Ayden like drinking from a straw...
I love ketchup
Chewing my chicken cutlet
I ate on my own!
See our feast
Mummy says if we finish our lunch, we can go to the playground!
I went topless!

Sitting on a lady bug
Didi..what are you doing there?
I am going to slide down!
climbing through the "tunnel" right after Ayden
I am the train operator!
we both had fun!
water sprinklers everywhere!
Ayden having fun playing with water
Me too!
Cooling splash!
I tried to stop the water from splashing
I couldnt!

I love all these playgrounds at the Mall!
Mummy please bring us here again!

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