Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I turned 3!!!

I am such a fortunate boy!
I cut four birthday cakes this year!!

First was bought by Auntie Tricia & family ... thank you!
They celebrated for me when we had them and friends come over for Chinese New Year gathering...They bought me an Awfully Chocolate cake topped with Thomas the Trains!

Second was bought by Auntie Joey, Auntie Amber & Auntie Irene....thank you!
They celebrated for me when they came over for an impromptu Chinese New Year gathering too... They bought me a Tom & Jerry's Cake! Thank you!

Third & Fourth was from Daddy & Mummy...for celebration on my actual birthday, 15th Feb!
One for me to celebrate with my classmates in school ... a pretty Thomas & Friends cake!
One for me to celebrate with my family at home ... a pretty Bob Builder & Friends cake!

I turn THREE!!!

The older you are equates to more knowledge, more responsibilities & more expectations...which will soon result in more privileges... that's what Mummy says.
I need to keep my toys on my own after I am done playing with them...
I need to go pass urine on my own at home...
I need to eat on my own... (which is still a problem sometimes and that upsets mummy lots)
I need to wake up on time and stop lazing in bed...
I need to learn to share my toys and everyone's attention and love with my little brother...
I need to learn to be patient...
I need to be nice to my little brother even if he is not nice to me...because he is still a baby and doesn't know what he is doing sometimes when he beat me...
I need to do my nightly revision
I need to start learning swimming!

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