Monday, February 25, 2008

25th Feb 08 - My 11th Day since Birth...

This early morning i was a terror again....almost throughout 1 - 430am i was crying on and off for more milk....Mummy fed me at 12am and then I regurgitate out some milk...then put me to bed, then 230am fed me again...4Am again and in between i cried still...

Was it my wet nappies or that I was fed full? Mummy say I am big every 1.5 hrs...she cant even close her eyes to rest, not to mention sleep...

After feeding me, change my diapers and changing my diapers not easy you know...cos' mummy had to "xu1 xu1" me to make me pee in my diapers before she clean my butt and change new diaper...cos I "shot" my pee at mummy few times now she's trying to make me pee far some occasions I had been co-operative...some I had been cheeky...hehe...what to do...boy boy like that one lah

Finally Mummy was able to catch some sleep from 5Am to 7AM...then time to feed me again..
Hiyah...its always the same thing, same routine...maybe mummy not tired i also tired...haha

After feeding and burping me, mummy then sun me for a while... See my "wu3 lian2 pai1"...

See my dimples?? Mummy say they are from her!!

Today Mummy finally tried to bathe me personally....and it was a success!! I didnt cry...see mummy, Asher give you face hor...

To be continued...cos I need to go mum mum loh...

" Hungry Baby is Angry Baby."

1 comment:

Iris said...

WOw BB Asher hv dimples jst like mummy leh , so cute n handsome " )

Great Work Mummy Lindy : )
