Tuesday, February 26, 2008

26th Feb 08 - 2 more days and I will be 2 weeks old!

I finally gave mummy a peaceful night's sleep. I didnt cry for nappy change, milk or anything from 230am till 830am...so mummy had a chance to sleep loh. See mummy...i love you so much. 2am to 230am was my last feed until this morning 830am leh...I think I had been a wonderful boy. :)
Last night, mummy gave me milk milk at 1130pm, then daddy changed my nappy for me...
See daddy...like not very professional leh, but i can feel his love for me :)
He is so tired le...still change nappy for me...
Daddy I love you!
Mummy was laughing at daddy...wondering how come he change one diaper for me need to use SoOooOOoOOo many pieces of baby wipes, tissue paper...... see the stack of tissues and baby wipes on the used diaper is like my size le woh....daddy you very wasteful leh...
Mummy say "hang2 qin2 bu4 hao3, must sheng3 sheng3 yong4" ...you like that use hor...one pkt of bb wipes maybe 2, 3 days finish loh...HAHAHAHA...my butt so big meh daddy???
Oh...in case you are wondering why got a black box...of cos must cover up my precious area lah...how can anyhow let anybody and everybody see... ;p
This morning, after my morning first feed at 830Am, mummy sun me for a while, not much sun cos it is cloudy... then she bathe me...hmm I am going to smell good and nice loh...
Mummy...do I smell good and nice now after the bath??

Lots of Love Always.

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