Tuesday, June 8, 2010

My recent progress

I can say out my pee/poo urge since a week ago!

Adults listen!
You can introduce potty training to your babies young... but they pick up so fast when they are ready for it... ...

When I was much younger around 18 months old, Mummy tried to potty train me but not quite successful; One, it was tough to be consistent as she wasn't my only carer and it was tough to ensure the same routine practice. Two, I was probably not as ready compared to now too...

Recently after we shifted here, ( I was about 27months old plus) we started again.
No diapers during the day, many times even bare butt...no shorts for me...
Now I am able to say out my pee & poo urge since 1 week ago.
SO that is as good as saying, I completed the whole cycle from:

Mummy reminding me to go pee/poo in the potty
I running to the potty on my own to pee/poo
I being able to tell the adults I want to pee/poo...
all in just barely 2 weeks!

I can also recognise some of our names...

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