Tuesday, November 2, 2010

100% Diaper Free !!

I am 100% diaper free!
No more diapers even in the night! Finally!
And now I do not even want diapers anymore..I tell mummy diaper is for Ayden didi...I am already a big boy...

Usually in the middle of the night I will fuss and make noise...which means I need to go pee...but I probably not too aware of consciously since I am actually in the midst of my sleep..
so Daddy or Mummy has to diligently wake up to bring me to the toilet to pee...
then go back to sleep...
However, once in a while I wet the bed..
sometimes because I am so tired..i do not even know that...and only cry "wet wet" which is too late by then...
sometimes, it is because Mummy or Daddy didnt notice ... hmm "tired/lazy" to notice my fussing...and never get up to bring me to pee...

And Mummy thinks the way I run to the toilet to pee is soOoooOo cute!
Because, I always do it like I am so urgent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hahahha :D

engrossed in the television program..
the day we took bus
riding in the bus..
enjoying our time in the bus ride
waiting for the bus with my mac happy meal
my last milk feed just before bedtime..
i look fit right? ;p
I can play on my own with the tracks and trains...

Mummy likes this shot from the photoshoot...
she thinks it is very nolstalgic...
like kampong boy!

now can save some diaper money for mummy & daddy le!!

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