Saturday, February 28, 2009

I am a clever boy!!

Grandpa says I learn fast...
mummy think I learn pretty fast too...

hmmm....Asher is a quick learner!!


Yesterday, mummy let me use my learning cup with the straw.
Just a few attempts and I know how to suck out the water from the straw!! Yippee!!!
Just that I still can't control the fluid very well, sometimes I suck too much...hehe

Mummy teach me to "ah" when I want the food or biscuit...
Just within the day and I knew her command and I do that everytime now...

When I want to go gai-gai, go out for walk walk, I will walk to take my shoe shoes OR..
If i want to be on the stroller, I will walk towards my stroller & climb up and sit into it...
:) hehe...ASK and YOU SHALL be GIVEN!!!

Be it sang by mummy or from the DVD...
I clap when I hear "if you are happy and you know you CLAP your hands..."
I close and open my fingers when I hear "twinkle twinkle little star..."

Well, I also pick up the certain items on the floor at mummy's request and I will bring it to her....
I give to mummy and she will give it back to me, ask me to give to daddy...and I will do so...
like playing my ball ball the same way...

and mummy has finally started me with my comments yet...too early

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