Saturday, February 28, 2009

my daily schedule...working towards it

mummy hopes she can fill my day with happiness... ...lots of happiness...
playing, learning and exploring!!

If time and schedule permits... I should...

7plus AM: Wake up looking forward to have fun!
Peace with soothing cheery music...
Fun with toys/books...
Breakfast - cereals & vitamin C water!
Flashcards learning session (1)
My educational DVD
Morning Stroll exploring the world
Bath time!
Late morning Nap Nap + Milk Milk

12plus/1 PM: Wake up from late morning nap for my beautiful afternoon!
Pop Music/Nursery Rhymes - English or Mandarin. Dance Dance time...
Lunch Lunch
Fun with toys...
Flashcards learning session (2)
Afternoon Stroll exploring the world
Fun with play play...
Late afternoon Nap Nap + Milk Milk

6plus/7 PM: Wake up from late afternoon nap for my beautiful evening!
Evening Stroll exploring the world
R & R - family time
Dinner time!
Flashcards learning session (3)
R & R - family time
Bath time
Fun with play play/toys...
Books & story time
Night Night ZzZ + night night Music + Milk Milk

its going to be another beautiful day!!

1 comment:

Just Me said...

wow such a systematic schedule...

Cheers to good planning :)