Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I went back home for a 4D3N stay...

As gong gong and po po went to Kelong, I went back home for a 4D3N stay from 19th Jun Thur to 22nd Jun Sun...then Wai Pocame over to stay with me so that she can help take care of me as Mummy went to work...

Thursday night ... i was a terror.... becos' I had not seen Wai Po for a while and now that I am starting to recognise familiar people, I cried and shrieked whenever Wai Po carried me... ...
I probably wasn't sure tha t was you, Wai Po...you must be sad that Baby Asher couldn't recognise you...I am sorry...I didn't mean to forget you... ...just that we haven't seen each other since bangkok trip...and I was scared plus I was also grouchy for sleep le...

Friday morning, mummy had to go for training...and it rained very heavily...I was still sleeping when mummy had to leave...though in my sleep, i could feel her reluctance to leave, to leave me with Wai Po, as mummy is worried that I may wake up and be frightened as I do not see mummy around...since I was such a terror last night...

Luckily, I slept quite a lot on Friday as mummy attended her training...when she came back home, she saw happy Baby Asher again...

Anyway, check this out...my Ah-Pek outfit...daddy's favourite... ...

make me look so ah-pek... :(
it's so good to be able to recognise people now...from afar, when i see mummy, i will always give her my brightest smile!!
mummy, i love you & daddy!!!

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