Saturday, September 20, 2008

I have turned 7 months old as of 15th Sep 08!

Recently mummy naughty!! never been spending alot of time with me...and never take alot of pictures for me... :(

She's always busy leh...hopefully this week onwards will be better...

Taken on 16th Sep, the first day as i grow towards 8th month
I have also started crawling just before i turned 7th month old and mummy is excited about it...she loves watching me crawl cos' i am still not very steady and tend to wobble alittle...hehe

i swallow my solid foods very well le...and mummy feeds me bits and pieces of some fruits (kind of mashed) and fish and potatoes carrots etc... i am happy to be able to explore other foods and tastes... :)

I also utter more sounds...sometimes dunno if i really call out "ma-ma" kind of sound or mummy imagine too much... ;p

I also cry for mummy when she returns home and walk away from me without "sayang" me first...i want mummy's attention!!!

Mummy, you are at work now and baby asher is waiting for you to come back yah. :)
Love. Always.

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