Thursday, March 26, 2009

Update to the "fight"

So what happened.....

Last week was school holiday. So cousins Jaden & Jodi came over to stay for the entire week.
Thus I slept with mummy for the entire week since cousins had to sleep with Grandma and Grandpa.

Understanding that Grandma and Grandpa would have missed spending "ZzZzZz' time with me, Mummy automatically let me sleep with Grandpa & Grandma on Sun & Mon....

Tuesday was about 9plus at night...

Mummy asked Daddy: "Can Asher sleep with us tonight? I want to Asher to sleep over with us..."

Daddy: "Of course lah! Now I carry him up, you go prepare his stuffs...."

Mummy: "Ok. On!"

So as mummy prepared my milk bottles, my hot water etc....all into the basket used to carry my stuffs up to the room for bedtime, Grandma approached mummy.........

Grandma:"Asher leh, bring him down....I pat pat him to sleep....."

Mummy:"Eh...Mother, it is ok lah. Tmr I am working afternoon, he can sleep with me."

Grandma: "Nevermind, nevermind....bring him over...he is not feeling well, I pat him to sleep so you both can sleep better...."

Mummy: "it's really ok....anyway he also upstairs with Alvin le....we are preparing to sleep with him...."

Grandma(INSISTING TONE): "Go, just bring him down! "

At this point, mummy left the basket on the dining table(dont even dare to take the basket up anymore), run upstairs into the room, close the door and sat on the bed.....

Mummy(looking helplessly): "Your mum INSISTED I bring Asher down...."

Daddy: "I am here. What you scared of....??"

Mummy: "last time when it happened, you were here too.....Asher also got "taken" away....."

Daddy: "Aiyah...this time it will be different! Don't worry....did you lock the door?"
Mummy: "huh.....must lock ah? Never leh.....Anyway you got to go down and get his basket..."

So mummy carried baby Asher me in her arms....don't even dare to go down and get the basket....

Before we knew it.....

"KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK!!!".... ...
OoOpS! Grandma's at the door...........

Grandma: "Asher leh? Bring him to me...."
Daddy: "We will sleep with's ok."
Grandma still insisted (quite firmly and in a louder tone of voice): "Aiyah, he is sick....i need to pat him to sleep..."

Daddy(also in a firm tone...trying to close the door): " need lah..he sleep with us...."


After daddy closed the door.....
We thought...."wow....daddy "fought" the "robber" off....." :P

Then ..... .....
Baby Asher: "Argh....Argh...."
Mummy: "oh dear....Asher wants his milk milk.....can you go get his basket?"
Daddy: " ah? Later lah.....later can??" know why? Daddy also PAI SEH to go down loh....

Ok Mummy say"...can no prb! I breastfeed Asher...this one nobody can replace....."

So after a while.....I finish my milk milk .....
Mummy start playing some toys and my usual bedtime story time.....

Daddy got to go down to bring Golden and Silver out for their night stroll and to PANG SAI lah....

Mummy: "Dear, lock the door hor..."
Daddy: "I still need to come up..."
Mummy: "Don't knock the KNOCK CODE STYLE, i open for you..."

then daddy went off....

After just few mins....
Grandma appeared at the door again!!!! (Daddy DIDNT lock the door!!!!)

The room was already dimmed by now....with my classical music playing in the background...
I was sitting on mummy's laps, on the bed....playing my shapes sorter....

BUT VERY SOON....I was carried away by Grandma le....
Mummy was very very very "sad"...sitting on the bed feeling so helpless....

Sometime later.....
Daddy came in..............................................................................together with baby Asher ME!!!!!
(grandma following behind)

mummy :) :D :) :D (Can you visualise the happiness?!!!)
Mummy, this time round daddy really never let you down!!!!!
(that's why daddy is the winner loh!)

Daddy telling grandma: "its ok its ok....." & Closed the door....

Mummy: "eh!!!! Asher!! Dear how you know?!!!!!!!"

Daddy:" When I was at the backyard, I brought Silver out, came back and saw Mum carrying Asher in the I knew she must have "attacked" while I am I hurriedly bring Golden out for come back in to get Asher...cos' I know once they go into the room, I cannot get Asher out le..."

Mummy: "Poor Golden...only go out for that 1 min...."

Daddy: "What to do??"

Mummy: " ah? Will mum be angry???"

Daddy: "Aiyah....wont lah....dont think so much....then how? If i dont carry Asher in, will you be happy?"

Mummy shook her head.... :(

Daddy:" then now happy????"

Mummy nodded her head, unable to hide her happiness.... =) =D


Just Me said...

For once, I am IMPRESSED with alvin..I can visualise how his facial expression & reactions towards it...

CHeers to his actions !!

Anonymous said...

I hve e same problem with u.I fear my mil. she will lock her bedrm door wif my son when my hus not in town,n i only sit n cry helplessly.till now i fear n avoid hus n i quarrelled few times becus of choice but have to bear with it :(