Sunday, April 26, 2009

Mummy's voice: My 1st Day in Hongkong without you, Asher

Asher, how are you, Daddy and Golden, Silver?
Did you say good morning to Golden & Silver as usual this morning?

Mummy left the house with a super heavy heart when I heard your cries as you saw me left the room with my backpack. This morning, when I woke up preparing...I thought you will sleep like usual just like when I leave for work. But you didnt, you actually woke up and kept your eyes open, refusing to go back to sleep even after I gave you your milk.

Mummy was supposed to reach the airport at 7am for my flight at the end, because I wanted so much to pat you back to sleep, I almost didnt make it for the last boarding time at 750am...luckily the taxi journey to the airport was smooth.

Well, safely in Hongkong by 1215pm. Tried to get your wai po's china visa done at the airport...but failed. Firstly, I got to go back to the airport to pick it up in the night before 10pm, which doesnt make sense. Then it cost a whopping SGD$280. So expensive!!!! plus the trip to and fro the airport (from the city) to pick it up, its another SGD$ it simply doesnt make sense.

So got to try getting it done at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Central tommorow early morning 9am. Let's hope we can get it early afternoon...luckily we stay pretty near to this place.

It rained/drizzled the entire day we couldnt visit The Peak nor Ocean Park as planned. So we walked the entire Causeway Bayshopping area........and surprisingly we didnt even buy anything as in shopping??!!! The good thing was we ate at the "CHA CAN TING" which had great WANTON noodles and BEEF GUOTIAO...and I coincidentally found the TAI CHEONG egg tarts I wanted to find. It was yummy!

Dinner we went over to JUMBO, the floating restaurant at Aberdeen Harbour. Indeed magnificent. Of course it is costly too... plus taxi ride, a tota; damage of SGD$200 for 3 of us.

Now mummy's back at the hotel, which is pretty cosy...erm but some hiccups I showed some upset and managed to get a late check out for tmr which they originally wanted to charge me... so now blogging for you...

Called daddy earlier, I wanted to speak to you...but daddy said he is upstairs and you are i didnt get to speak to you. I hope you are fine. I really miss you.
Whenever I see a baby/toddler like your age in the arms of their parents here, I think of you SOOOOOooOO much.

Well, soon I will be back. Then I will put in the photos for you yah? :)
Mummy love you.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

mummy and daddy went NTUC together with me

23rd April 2009:

Daddy is wonderful!!!

He walked over to NTUC to look for us when he reached home to find us out!
And he played with me at the playground... ...

woo hoo!!
daddy faster...

mummy stop taking photos, come join us..


who is looking?
I had fun. Hope for more times when daddy can join in to play outdoors with me.
Love you daddy & mummy!!
Muacks Muacks!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Baby Asher... you are my darling

you are calling me "MUMMY" le!!!! :)

Though only occasionally... ... but this few times that you called really convinced me you know what and who you are calling for... :D
And very often you call for "ma ma....." hehhe....when you want me or my help.

You kisses at request and claps when being praised. I love this so much.

You also love to pull us to where you want us to go along, be it to look at golden and silver, or to get something for you ... ... you really seem like a big boy now...not so much like the baby le...

Oh and you have also upgraded to XL diapers le and I love it that you are not waking up in the middle of the night for milk milk anymore most of the time... ... :D

Mummy's going to be away for a week, I am sorry that I am not bringing you along, as much as I would love to. But Uncle Vid and Wai Po are not supportive of mummy bringing you along and I do not want to upset them. And I guess Daddy, grandma and grandpa will miss you too if I bring you along since he is not going... ... so perhaps this is the best solution.

I will miss you. Will you be missing me?
I hope you will be fine. Although I would love to know that you miss me...but knowing that if you miss me, you will probably be very grouchy and unhappy, difficult to care for you better not miss mummy.

I hope the 1 week FLIES!!!

Friday, April 17, 2009

15th April 2009: Daddy & Mummy's 10th Year Anniversary in a relationship!!!

hey...which is also the day I turn 14th months old!
So we celebrate together!!!
Yesterday mummy got daddy a "GPS", though daddy's ROAD MAP skills and knowledge is already very very very good...but he previously mentioned he wanted mummy bought him one loh.
Then daddy got mummy a pleasant surprise. It wasn't the gift, but the thought and effort that made the huge difference.
When mummy gave daddy the GPS, daddy said he didnt buy mummy mummy said it is ok. Know he had been very busy lately...but asked if he will send flowers then....he say no woh... of course mummy added saying...she kind of not have any expectations, therefore no hopes, so no disappointment... :/
Anyway we didnt manage to have nice dinner anywhere, cos daddy worked late and grandma cooked, so we ate at home. But still, daddy suggested we should still go chill out and get a drink or something...just spend some quiet time together outside...just 3 of us. :)
So when we reached Mt. Faber, daddy asked mummy to go to the glove compartment of the car to get the camera out... ...
at this moment, mummy was thinking, maybe really got surprise... but again to avoid disappointment, mummy told herself, it should be the camera lah...and the image of the camera keeps coming to her mind.........................................................................................and
TA DA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it is a tiffany silver and gold for mummy!!!
check out the view in the background!!!


nice memorable place...

daddy and I

Mummy trying to take a shot with me...but I wasn'tvery cooperative...
I so cute, Uncle waiter also want to carry me...
a little blurr, but still can see we are happy family...

Going home on daddy's shoulders...

together we walk all the way...
We had a great time there!!
See although it was a short hour or so time spent, but we were all very happy.
Especially mummy!
She is actually that simple, not that difficult to please. :)
Daddy & Mummy, happy 10th Anniversary!!!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

11th April 2009 Sat: i went West Coast Park!

Finally a post for April!!

a bright sunny day....we went West Coast Park for cycling, for fun!!
grandma and grandpa brought me around initially while mummy do some work at the paviliion while acting as "security guard" looking after our stuffs.

Cousin Jodie and Jaden then went cycling...

When mummy was done with her work, she came to look for me and started taking photos loh....

looking around..
still look around...
i didnt dare to walk around too much on my own when i am on the sand...

so i hugged mummy!

see...on the pavement I i run so fast!
my grandpa trying to let me have a feel of cycling

hey! where's everybody?!

i am set to go cycling!!

cycling cycling...

left right left right!

:( I dont want!!! I dont want to change my diaper!!

dont strip me pls!


Hey! We love this shot!

my fav mac fries

this bicycle...too big for me

strolling with my blue balloon

exploring the drain....

mummy showed me the eagle gliding in the sky...

.....why does it have to rain now?!

Hey!!! actually raining can be fun too!!

I feel the raindrops...

hehe...i taste the raindrops!

I looked and listened at the raindrops tapping the ground...
"da da da da..."


rain rain when are you going to go away?
you didnt go away afterall.... ....
after waiting for a long time in the pavillion, when the rain became much smaller... ...we braved the rain with 2 little umbrellas back to our cars...
a wonderful experience!
what a pity, daddy wasn't here... :(

27th March 2009: I went out with Mummy and Wai Po!

the day i finally get to meet the uncle who doted alot on mummy when she was a little girl...
Uncle Kiang, wai po's good friend.
Didnt take a picture with him though...forgot...

after lunch at Ivins, we sent uncle home and proceeded to town for a while...

my Vibe is really so comfortable. though a tad bigger than usual strollers to zip around...

walking around...

hey..where's mummy?!
hiding behind my Vibe, away from the sun

looking innocent...

trying to push my Vibe...

After mummy changed my nappy, i followed her into the washroom..

so happy...dunno why...
Everytime when mummy goes out with me, if we reach a flight of stairs, she will have to carry the stroller up...and it is at such times that she can't help but feel if only daddy is around... ...
once in a while, we get help from other passer by uncles who will help us...other times, we survive on our own.
As compared to some European countries, our beautiful clean and green Singapore still has plenty of rooms for improvement for the disabled and people like us....there are so many places, malls that are not equipped with user friendly slopes or pavements in replacement of all the flight of stairs/steps... ...
let's hope they will come to recognise and put the necessary improvements in place in time to come!

24th March 2009: My ladder experience!

Grandma was checking out the starfruit tree...
I just felt like climbing up too...

I climbed up step by step ...
daddy supported me from my back incase I fall...
enjoying the view from up there...
not wanting to come down despite daddy's calling happy i am...

hanging on tight...
Then uncle benny came to visit us!

this time I let him carry woh...

see he so happy!

"Eh...." showing him something that i want to get hold of...
Know why I let him carry? Cos' he bought Macdonalds mah!