Monday, April 13, 2009

19th March 2009: I went to Holland Macdonald Tea Garden for the first time!

The pictures aren't very clear to show...but I had a great night!
It's been sometime since Mummy said she want to bring me here!
Finally we went!!

There is a playground there and mummy climbed through together with me...
but because it is kind of small for her, it was quite tiring to have to keep bending down for me...

say hi to daddy!!
this is better...

still climbing around...

trying to "drive" with the steering wheel

bang bang! Let me out!

yeah! We made it!

I refused to come out...

distracted by "pretty" girl who walked pass

still looking...

daddy fed me mac first time!

some water for me...



Back at the slide
touch touch a bit more before heading home...
I wish mummy and daddy can spend more time to bring me out together like today.... ....
Not just mummy only...

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