Monday, April 13, 2009

27th March 2009: I went out with Mummy and Wai Po!

the day i finally get to meet the uncle who doted alot on mummy when she was a little girl...
Uncle Kiang, wai po's good friend.
Didnt take a picture with him though...forgot...

after lunch at Ivins, we sent uncle home and proceeded to town for a while...

my Vibe is really so comfortable. though a tad bigger than usual strollers to zip around...

walking around...

hey..where's mummy?!
hiding behind my Vibe, away from the sun

looking innocent...

trying to push my Vibe...

After mummy changed my nappy, i followed her into the washroom..

so happy...dunno why...
Everytime when mummy goes out with me, if we reach a flight of stairs, she will have to carry the stroller up...and it is at such times that she can't help but feel if only daddy is around... ...
once in a while, we get help from other passer by uncles who will help us...other times, we survive on our own.
As compared to some European countries, our beautiful clean and green Singapore still has plenty of rooms for improvement for the disabled and people like us....there are so many places, malls that are not equipped with user friendly slopes or pavements in replacement of all the flight of stairs/steps... ...
let's hope they will come to recognise and put the necessary improvements in place in time to come!

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