Friday, October 24, 2008

my new set of musical CDs has arrived!

I am such a fortunate baby!!!
Just got some new toys...and now my new set of CDs has arrived!!! I am sOooO excited!!
Mummy specially order for me .... :)

she has been wanting to add on to my music library..some CDs like Mozart Effect etc...classical ones....other than my nursery rhymes etc....but found none ideal...

Finally found this set!!
There is 4 discs....
1. Playful Baby - play for me during playtime
2.Cheerful Baby - play for me when i wake up in the morning
3.Peaceful Baby - play for me when I take my naps or when mummy reads to me
4.Sleepy Baby - play for me during my night time sleep :)

These ppl....really know how to make $$$.

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