Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My progress...

hey hey...
its me!!
I have been crawling at full speed le

mummy spending time with me

me on the walker...

me exploring the walker...

These days i like to look out of the window and watch out for cars, buses...the moving traffic and the MRT...maybe I like the greenery etc too... :)
I will hit my hands on the window and will appear very happy and excited all about it...:)

See I can also stand very well and sturdy... but require support lah.. ;p

Mummy says its tiring and time consuming to look after me and doesnt seem to have much time to do all her stuffs and still got to pack the room etc...

Its weird though that although with the shift back to q'town to stay, mummy doesnt have to do much housework, but kept very much busier recently..cos' got BB Tiffany here too...so Po Po also cant take care of me fully especially on days when mummy is around at home...

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