Tuesday, April 15, 2008

15th April 2008-its raining cats and dogs today, as I am officially 2 months old!

its raining cats and dogs today...
i was startled by the loud thunder and strikingly bright lightning...
my eyebrows knit and my lips kind of folded outwards...
i frowned to show my discontent and cried as I craved for more attention from mummy...
eventhough I was already in mummy's arms...
as the thunder comes again, mummy hug me tight and cover up my ears...
though I felt better, but I still felt uncertain... ...

"rain rain go away, come again another day..."

mummy says when she looks at how I sleep, it always seem so peaceful...she wonders if I really felt at peace during my sleep?? i think so...as babies, our world is pretty much less complicated than adults ...though i would still have my equal share of dreams and nitemares...

today i turn 2 months old...coincidentally, it is also the day which daddy & mummy celebrates their ninth year of courtship and 3rd year of marriage...

last night was the 2nd time i went to East Coast Park for a stroll with daddy & mummy...
when was the first time??
hehe, the first time was on 31122007, the last nite of 2007...i was in mummy' stomach lah!

1 comment:

^~^ said...

31122007 sounds familiar to me...
Did we had a countdown together that day :)

Back then your stomach is still protruding out !!!!