Monday, April 21, 2008

20042008 - my first time to orchard

date: 20th April 2008
time: hmm...we spent time together from 12pm to 5pm...
venue: Ngee Ann City, Coca Restaurant and Centrepoint Haagen Daz
occasion: Wai Po's Birthday (actually on 19th April)
guests: Uncle Felix, Aunt Angie, Cousins Jared and Ines, Uncle Vid and Mummy Lindy & BB Asher and WAI PO loh...only Daddy Alvin couldn't make it

we had lunch at Coca Restuarant and i was grouchy when this picture was taken becos I wanted to nap nap mah...

Jared korkor, Ines Jiejie, Aunt Angie with me in her arms...
after we finished the lunch, we went over o Centrepoint Robinsons gai gai... ...and had coffee & ice cream at Haagen Daaz...obviously I can't eat yet...mummy says will give me when I am older next time... :P

Me in Mummy's arms...

more of the photos will be uploaded again when uncle Felix sends mummy the pictures...we didnt have much photos as mummy forgot to charge the camera... :(

and when we went home, I was simply knocked out! After mummy gave me a simple clean up & change of clothes, I slept and slept and mummy got to wake me up for milk milk...

after milk milk, i slept again...until much later i woke up to play for a short while and then sleep again...until 7am this morning... :)

me happily sleeping awayback in my cot...

Wai Po, happy birthday!! Baby Asher and Mummy Lindy love you!

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