Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I am going to be 2 months old in a few day's time...

First Blog of the month...have been missing in action...so sorry...people have been asking why I haven't been blogging... well cos' of couple of reasons..but mainly becos' nowadays I am awake more and don't sleep as much as during the first month plus...hence when I am awake, Mummy will play with me, spend time with me together..so of course the blogging will be secondary loh...

Anyway, soon I am going to be 2 months old. If you spend time with me, you will really find that i have changed alot... now I weigh 5.5kg le...And I make so much sounds and expressions, I start focusing my attention on some objects in my view and I am learning how to stretch out for things hanging above or near me...

Another new activity that Mummy has just introduced last night...

Focusing on the cute objects above me...

I was trying to reach out for it
I keep hearing the beautiful sounds from the windchime hung in the centre as I always touch that...easiest...cos lowest... :P

See how long I have become??

This is me now: I am a head longer than the bolster!
BUT i still don't seem to have alot of hair...
This is me at 2 weeks old

Hi everybody!!

I promise I will blog more often just like before... :)

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