Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Today ...

My tummy time again!!

Tummy time is good for makes us stronger and improves our co-ordination.
Spending time on our belly encourages babies to practice reaching and pivoting, skills that are often the precursors to crawling.

but not all babies enjoy tummy time, especially the initial we have to spend alot more effort to try and keep our head up, fighting against we tend to "protest"... BUT we still have to go through it lah..

down on my tummy...
i tried to raise my head...
still the same...
Then after a while of tummy time, mummy placed me on my back again...time to sleep...

Me & my caterpillar...

I am tired le!!! I want to nap nap!!

during my tummy time...

I was "talking"..babbling actually...then mummy decided to film it...

Thats all for today!! I going to have my afternoon nap loh!!

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