Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Mummy went KTV without me... :(

Monday 21st April nite, mummy went KTV at Keppel Club with her colleagues without me... :(
she say I am too young to go woh... then when can I go??
Thought I can wear ear plugs/muffler?? haha This mummy ah...went out to play and left me with Gong Gong & Po Po...Erm..daddy's daddy & mummy lah...
after having her fun then she came back to fetch me back home...
Lucky Po Po say I had been a good boy woh... :)
We are one COMPANY!! :O

mummy Lindy miss going out having fun with Godma Sann and the rest!!

Mummy Lindy, Uncle Lester & Godma Sann...
supposed to be a sexy pose shot leh... :/

Supposed to be farnie or ugly shot? BUT godma sann always play mummy out one leh..

Mummy Lindy: 3rd Uncle Lester: 5th Godma Sann: 6th!!

All November babies!! All loyal scorpios!!

Mummy like this photo...but too bad she isnt in it...she's the photographer. ;p

Mummy Lindy, Godma Sann, Auntie Anna, Uncle Fabian, Auntie Sally(whose hand blocking?!!!!) and Uncle James & Lester at the back...
same gang as above plus Uncle Dennis!!
mummy Lindy and Uncle Teo!!! so comical...
Uncle Barry ( like lobster) and Mummy Lindy! very fun leh...can you bring me along next time when I am older?? ;p

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