Thursday, March 13, 2008

I have been busy...

I have been bz for the past few days becos of my baby shower preparations and visitors lah...although I am not the one doing all the stuffs, but Mummy wants my opinion mah...thats y I havent had time to blog... ;p

Daddy & I: I seem so tiny in Daddy's arms
Mummy took some shots of our hands...and mine is so tiny...

BB: Mummy don't ever let go of Baby Asher ... ...

Mummy: Don't worry, I will always hold on to you tight!

We hand in hands for as long as we can... ...

These past few days had been rather peaceful as mummy gets more & more accustomed to my fussy patterns.

Mummy make it a point to have dancing time with me everyday, playing some cheerful songs. Other than that sleep time she will sing nursery rhymes to me and sometimes play classical music. Becos' Mummy believe that a child who is exposed to music more, will be a happy child. :)

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