Sunday, March 2, 2008

I am 2 weeks 2 days old!

I officially turned 2 weeks old on 29th February 2008. Mummy says 29th Feb, 4 years once...HENG AH, I am not born on this day...else only celebrate my BD once every 4 years, but still grow older every poor thing...

So, why no blog past 2 days? Aiyoh busy celebrating my 2 weeks' old Birthday lah... ;) just kiddin'

People came to visit, hence I was kept busy with lots of entertaining to know lah...I am the centre of attention mah...hahahaha

Ok...I was just sleepy and lazy...

Anyway, this is usually what happens after my bath...

Mummy will place me on the mat with all the necessary tools like...
1. Toolbox containing Cotton Balls, Desitin Cream, Cord Spirit, Lu Yi Oil, Guaze
2. Clean set of clothes, mittens & booties
3. New diaper
After I am cleaned and wrapped up... u have seen me either at the cosy corner "sunning", or back in my cot sleeping...this time I am... ...

on Daddy's & Mummy's bed...

Another gift for me just arrived... ... it's from Uncle Felix & Auntie Angie and my 2 cousins Jared & Ines...BUT when will I be able to ride on it leh??

Thank you Uncle Felix & Auntie Angie, Jared & Ines.

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